The Ultimate Guide to Keywords (2023)

Learn to find which keywords you should position

Diego Delgado García


In today's digital world, search engines play a critical role in how we access information online. As the amount of content on the web continues to grow exponentially, finding the relevant information becomes more and more challenging. This is where keywords come into play.

Keywords are terms or phrases that users enter into search engines to find specific information. They are the connecting bridge between users and relevant search results. Search engines use complex algorithms to index and rank millions of web pages, and keywords play a key role in this process.

The aim of this article is to explore in detail the concept of keywords and their importance in search engines. We'll discuss how search engines work, how to research and select effective keywords, and how to optimize their use in web content . We will also address current and future trends in the use of keywords, as well as the ethical practices and negative consequences associated with their misuse.

By understanding the relevance of keywords and how to use them strategically, website owners, marketers, and content creators can increase their search engine visibility and improve their online reach. Throughout this article, we'll explore different aspects of keywords and provide practical tips to make the most of their potential.

1.1 Definition of keywords

Keywords are specific terms or phrases that users use when performing a search on a search engine. These words or phrases represent the search intent of users and are essential for finding relevant information in the vast amount of content available on the web.

Keywords are the starting point for search engines as they use these words to crawl, index and rank web pages . When users enter a keyword into the search engine, the search engine performs a search of its database to find relevant web pages that match that keyword.

It is important to note that keywords are not just limited to a single word, but can also be longer, more specific phrases known as " long tail keywords ". For example, if someone is looking for information on "healthy breakfast recipes," that entire phrase would be considered a keyword.

Keywords can be general or specific, depending on the user's search intention. Some keywords are highly competitive, which means that many web pages are competing to rank in the search results for those particular keywords. Other keywords may be less competitive but more precise, which may result in a more specific target audience.

When selecting keywords, it's important to consider relevance, search volume, and competition. Relevance refers to the relationship between the keyword and the content of the web page. Search volume indicates the number of times a search is performed for that particular keyword, and competition refers to the number of other web pages that are also competing to rank for that keyword.

1.2 Importance of keywords in search engines

Keywords play a fundamental role in search engines, as they are the main link between users and the information they are looking for. Here are some of the reasons why keywords are important in the context of search engines:

Search precision: Keywords allow users to perform more precise and specific searches. By using terms relevant to their query, users can filter and get more relevant results tailored to their needs. For example, if someone searches for "Italian restaurants in New York," the keywords "Italian restaurants" and "New York" will help refine the search and display more relevant results.

Content Indexing: Search engines use algorithms to crawl and index the web pages in their database. By including relevant keywords in the content of a web page, it is easier to index and rank in search results. Keywords help search engines understand what your content is about and what type of search queries it might answer.

Ranking in search results: Search engines evaluate the relevance and quality of web pages to determine their position in search results. Keywords are one of the factors that search engines consider when ranking web pages. If a web page uses relevant keywords in its content and is properly optimized, it is more likely to appear in the first search results when users enter those keywords.

Organic traffic generation: Including relevant and popular keywords on a web page can increase its visibility and attract organic traffic . When a web page appears in the first search results for relevant keywords, users are more likely to click on it and visit the site. Organic traffic, that is, traffic that comes from unpaid search results, can be a valuable source of qualified visitors and potential customers.

SEO Optimization: Keywords are a key component of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO refers to the practices and strategies used to improve the visibility and ranking of a web page in search engines. By researching and using relevant keywords in the content, tags, and other elements of a web page, you can improve your search engine rankings and increase your visibility online.

2. Operation of search engines

2.1 How search engines index and retrieve information

To understand the importance of keywords in search engines, it is necessary to take into account how these engines work when indexing and retrieving information . The main steps of the process are described below:

  • Crawling : Search engines use programs called "crawlers" or "spiders" to automatically navigate the web. These crawlers follow links from one page to another, exploring and discovering new web pages. By crawling a page, the search engine identifies its content and adds it to its index.
  • Indexing – Once a web page has been crawled, it is indexed by the search engine. Indexing involves storing page information in an organized database . During this process, the search engine extracts the textual content of the page, including keywords and other relevant elements, such as headings, tags and links.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Search engines apply natural language processing techniques to understand the content of indexed pages. This allows them to analyze and understand the meaning and intent behind keywords and user search queries.
  • Information Retrieval : When a user performs a search engine query, the search engine searches its index for relevant web pages that match the keywords used in the query. Search engines use complex algorithms to calculate the relevance and quality of pages based on various factors, including keywords and other content elements.
  • Result Ranking – Once the relevant pages have been retrieved, the search engine ranks them based on their relevance. Ranking is based on a combination of factors such as content quality, website authority, keyword relevance, and other ranking criteria. Search engines display search results ordered by ranking, with the most relevant and highest quality pages in the top positions.

It is important to note that search engines are constantly evolving and improving their algorithms to deliver more accurate and relevant search results. Therefore, understanding how search engines work and how information is indexed and retrieved is critical to optimizing keyword usage and improving online visibility.

2.2 Role of keywords in ranking results

The role of keywords in ranking search engine results is critical. Keywords are the terms or phrases that users enter into search engines to find relevant information. Search engines use these keywords to index and rank web pages in their databases.

When a user performs a search, the search engine compares the keywords used with the web pages indexed in its database. It then uses algorithms and ranking criteria to determine which web pages are the most relevant and useful to display in search results.

Keywords play an essential role in ranking results because they indicate the theme and content of a web page. If a web page contains the keywords that are relevant and related to the search query, the search engine is more likely to consider it relevant and show it in the first results.

However, the use of keywords must be balanced and relevant . Search engines are becoming more sophisticated and can detect unethical practices, such as "keyword stuffing", which consists of excessively including keywords in an attempt to manipulate search results. Keyword stuffing is considered a "black hat SEO" practice and can result in penalties from search engines.

In addition, search engines also consider other factors to rank results, such as content quality, website structure, link relevance, and user experience. Therefore, it is important not to rely solely on keywords, but also to create high-quality content and provide an overall positive user experience.

3. Keyword Research

3.1 Tools for keyword research

Keyword research is critical to understanding what terms or phrases users use in search engines when looking for information related to a specific topic. There are several tools available to do this keyword research effectively. Some of the most popular tools are:

  • Google Keyword Planner – This is a free Google Ads tool that allows you to get keyword ideas, as well as information about monthly search volume and keyword competition on Google.
  • SEMrush – is a paid tool that offers a wide range of functionality related to keyword research. It allows you to identify relevant keywords, analyze the competition, get related keyword ideas and much more.
  • Ahrefs – It is also a paid tool widely used in keyword research. It provides detailed data on search volume, competition, related keywords, and search trends.
  • Ubersuggest – is a free tool that provides information on search volume, competition, and related keywords. It is useful for generating keyword ideas based on popular user queries.

These are just a few of the many keyword research tools available. Each tool has its own characteristics and advantages, so it is advisable to try several and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

3.2 Selection of relevant keywords

Once you've identified a list of potential keywords using the above tools, it's important to select the keywords that are most relevant to your website or content. Relevance is key because you want to attract traffic that is interested in what you offer.

When selecting relevant keywords, consider the following aspects:

  • Theme and Focus – Make sure your keywords are closely related to the main theme of your content. This ensures that you can attract visitors who are interested in that specific topic.
  • Search intent – Think about the intent behind the keywords users are choosing. Are they looking for information, want to make a purchase or need to solve a problem? Align your keywords with the intention of attracting a relevant audience.
  • Competition Score – Evaluates the competition associated with the keywords. If you're just starting out or your website is relatively new, you may want to focus on less competitive keywords for more chances to rank.

3.3 Competition Considerations and Search Volume

In addition to relevance, it is important to consider the search volume and competition associated with the selected keywords.

  • Search Volume – Search volume indicates the estimated number of times a keyword is searched for in a given period, such as a month. You can find this information in keyword research tools. A high search volume suggests that there is significant demand for that keyword, which can be beneficial in attracting more traffic. However, there may also be more competition to rank in the top results.
  • Competition – Competition refers to the quantity and quality of other websites that are trying to rank for the same keywords. Some keyword research tools provide an indication of the competition associated with each keyword. Assessing the competition helps you understand if you have the ability to compete for those specific keywords. If the competition is high, you may want to look for less competitive but still relevant keywords.

In general, keyword research is an ongoing process. As you analyze and adjust your keyword strategy, you can find new opportunities and optimize your content to attract a relevant audience and improve your search engine rankings.

4. Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization is a key component of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and refers to the strategic incorporation of relevant keywords into the content of a web page to improve its visibility in search engines. Here are some strategies and areas where you can include and use keywords effectively:

4.1 Inclusion of keywords in the content of a web page

It is important to place the keywords in the content in a natural and consistent way. Some key areas to include keywords are:

  • Headings and Subheadings – Use relevant keywords in the headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and subheadings of your pages to highlight content structure and help search engines understand what your page is about.
  • Main text : integrates the keywords naturally in the body of the text. Make sure the content is valuable and relevant to users as search engines prioritize user experience.
  • Internal Links – Use relevant keywords in link texts that lead to other pages within your own website. This helps establish a consistent internal linking structure and helps search engines better understand the relationship between the different pages on your site.

4.2 Use of keywords in meta tags and descriptions

In addition to visible content, meta tags and descriptions also play an important role in keyword optimization. Two key areas are:

  • Title tag (title tag) : The title tag is the HTML element that displays the title of a page in search results. Include your main keyword in a relevant and attractive way to entice users to click on your result.
  • Meta descriptions – Meta descriptions are short snippets of text that display below the title in search results. Although they do not have a direct impact on the ranking, they can influence the click-through rate. Include the keyword and create an attractive and compelling description that will entice users to visit your page.

4.3 Keyword density strategies

Keyword density refers to how often a keyword appears relative to the rest of the text on a page. Previously, having a high keyword density was considered important, but today, search engines are more focused on content quality and user experience. Make sure the keyword density is natural and not excessive. Avoid "keyword stuffing" (filling content with meaningless keywords) as it can be penalized by search engines.

Remember that keyword optimization must be balanced with creating valuable and relevant content for users. It is not just about placing keywords, but about providing useful information and satisfying the needs of your audience. Keyword optimization is an integral part of a broader SEO strategy to improve search engine visibility and ranking.

5. Long Tail Keywords

5.1 Definition and characteristics of long tail keywords

Long tail keywords , also known as long tail keywords, refer to more specific and detailed search terms that users use to find specific information or products on search engines. Unlike more general and generic keywords, long tail keywords are made up of longer, more specific phrases.

Long tail keywords generally consist of three or more words and are designed to reflect the more specific intentions and needs of users. For example, instead of simply searching for "shoes," a user could use a long tail keyword like "red high-heeled women's shoes." These longer keywords provide additional details about what the user is searching for, which helps refine search results and provide more relevant information or products.

The main characteristics of long tail keywords include:

  • Specificity – Long tail keywords are highly specific and detailed. They provide additional information about features, attributes, location, pricing, or other specific details that users want to find in search results.
  • Low Competition – Due to their more specific nature, long tail keywords typically have less competition compared to more general keywords. This means that it may be easier for websites to rank for and gain visibility in search results for these specific keywords.
  • Purchase intent – Long tail keywords are often related to purchase intent. Users who use long tail keywords are usually at an advanced stage of the purchase process and have a clear idea of what they are looking for. This makes long tail keywords valuable for online businesses that want to target users who are more likely to become customers.

Higher relevance: By being more specific, long tail keywords tend to be more relevant to users and their specific search queries. This means that websites that use relevant long-tail keywords in their content are more likely to attract interested users and provide them with relevant information or products.

Quality traffic – Although long tail keywords may have lower search volume compared to general keywords, their traffic tends to be of higher quality. Users who use long tail keywords are usually more likely to find exactly what they are looking for, which increases the possibility of conversions and more satisfactory results.

5.2 Benefits of using long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are a valuable tool in search engine optimization (SEO). They are three to five word phrases that are specific to the products and services your website offers. Although these search terms may have lower search volume than more generic keywords, the benefits of using long-tail keywords in your SEO strategy are numerous.

  • Quality Traffic – One of the most significant benefits of long-tail keywords is that they drive quality traffic to your website. Since these keywords are more specific, people who use them in their searches are generally closer to making a purchase. For example, a user searching for "marathon running shoes" is probably more prepared to buy than someone simply searching for "shoes."
  • Less Competition – Long-tail keywords typically have less competition than more generic keywords. This means it's easier to rank well in search engines for these keywords, which can increase your website's visibility and drive more traffic.
  • Improve conversion : long tail keywords help improve conversion rates. Because users searching for long-tail search terms are often further down the purchase funnel, they are more likely to convert, whether that conversion is making a purchase, signing up for an email list, or taking another action. desired on your website.
  • They're ideal for voice search – With the increased use of digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, more and more people are searching by voice. These searches tend to be longer and more conversational, which aligns well with long-tail keywords.

They help create more specific and relevant content: By focusing on long-tail keywords, you can create content that precisely addresses the needs and questions of your visitors. This can not only improve your SEO, but it can also help you build a stronger and more trustworthy relationship with your audience.

5.3 How to find and use long tail keywords in content

Finding and effectively using long tail keywords in your content can be a powerful driver of quality traffic and conversion. Here are some steps on how you can do it:

  • Keyword Research – The first step in finding long-tail keywords is to conduct keyword research. You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMRush, among others, to identify long-tail keywords relevant to your niche or industry. These tools will provide you with keyword suggestions based on your initial search term, as well as information about search volume, competition, and other useful data.
  • Use Google Suggest and "related searches" – A quick way to find long-tail keywords is to simply type a search term into Google and see the suggestions that appear. These suggestions are long-tail keywords that people are already searching for. Similarly, at the bottom of Google search results, you'll find a "related searches" section that can provide you with more ideas.
  • Analyze your competition – Look at the keywords that your competitors are ranking for. You can use tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush to do this. If your competitors are ranking for certain long-tail keywords, it might be a good idea for you to try to rank for them as well.
  • Create quality content – Once you have identified your long-tail keywords, the next step is to create quality content around them. This content must provide value to your visitors and respond to the search intent behind the keyword. It's not just about putting keywords in your content. Search engines reward content that is relevant and useful to users.
  • Include your long-tail keywords in strategic places – Your long-tail keywords should be in your page title, headers, meta description, and throughout the body of your content. But remember, you must do it in a way that is natural and adds value to your reader.
  • Monitor your results – Once you have implemented your long-tail keywords into your content, it is important that you monitor your results. Use keyword tracking tools to see how you're ranking for those keywords over time. Be sure to review and adjust your strategy as necessary.

6. Search Algorithm Updates

Search engines, such as Google, regularly make updates to their algorithms with the goal of improving the quality of search results and providing a better user experience. These updates can have a significant impact on keyword usage and SEO strategies. Here we will explore some key aspects related to algorithm updates:

6.1 Impact of updates on the use of keywords

Search algorithm updates may change the way keywords are considered and treated. Over the years, Google has rolled out major updates , such as Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, RankBrain, and most recently, BERT and Core Web Vitals. These updates have introduced changes to how relevance, content quality, and other ranking factors are evaluated.

It is essential to stay on top of algorithm updates and understand their impact on keyword usage . For example, Google has evolved towards a more sophisticated understanding of natural language and now prioritizes user intent over simple keyword matching. Therefore, it is important to tailor keyword strategies to target search intent and provide high-quality, relevant content.

6.2 SEO after algorithm updates

After a major algorithm update, it is crucial to evaluate and adjust your SEO strategy. Here are some key considerations:

  • Quality Content – Algorithm updates often prioritize relevant, valuable, and high-quality content. Instead of focusing solely on keyword placement, focus on creating useful content that meets the needs of users.
  • User Experience – Google has placed a greater emphasis on user experience, including page load time, navigability, and mobile responsiveness. Make sure your website is fast, easy to navigate, and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Keyword Diversity – Instead of relying solely on a few top keywords, consider including relevant long-tail keywords and variations. This will help diversify your keyword strategy and attract more targeted and relevant traffic.
  • Monitoring and analysis – After an update, it is important to monitor your rankings and analyze the performance of your website. Watch for significant changes in traffic, keyword position, and user engagement. This will help you identify areas for improvement and adjust your keyword strategy accordingly.

Remember that search algorithm updates are inevitable, and adapting to them is critical to maintaining an effective SEO strategy. Stay informed about the latest updates and best practices recommended by search engines to ensure that your content and keyword strategies remain relevant and in line with changes in the search landscape.

7. Avoid unethical keyword practices

When it comes to SEO, it's important to follow ethical practices and avoid techniques that may be viewed as manipulative or deceptive by search engines. Two key issues related to the ethical use of keywords are addressed here:

7.1 Keyword stuffing and its consequences:

"Keyword stuffing" refers to the practice of loading content with excess keywords with the intention of manipulating search engines. This is considered a manipulation tactic and is penalized by search engine algorithms.

The excessive use of keywords can negatively affect the quality of the content and the user experience. Search engines penalize keyword stuffing and can lower a page's ranking or even exclude the website from search results.

Instead of keyword stuffing, it is better to use keywords naturally and consistently in the content. Focus on providing quality and relevant information for users, instead of trying to overwhelm them with repetitive keywords.

7.2 Black hat SEO related to keywords

Black hat SEO refers to practices that seek to cheat search engines in order to gain higher rankings dishonestly. Some keyword-related Black Hat SEO tactics include using hidden or invisible keywords, creating doorway pages, or using manipulative linking techniques.

These unethical practices can not only lead to penalties from search engines, but also damage user trust and damage the reputation of a website or business.

It is important to follow search engine quality guidelines and policies when using keywords . Instead of focusing on tricks or manipulation tactics, spend time creating valuable and relevant content, and build an SEO strategy based on quality, user experience, and recommended best practices.

By maintaining strong ethics in your keyword practices, you will be building a strong and sustainable online presence for the long term.

8. Metrics and keyword tracking

Keyword tracking and metric analysis are essential components in an SEO strategy. Two key aspects related to keyword tracking and analysis are explored here:

8.1 Tools for tracking keywords

There are several tools available to track and monitor the performance of your keywords . These tools give you valuable information about the position of your keywords in search results, search volume, competition, and other relevant metrics. Some popular keyword tracking tools include SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Google Search Console, and Rank Tracker.

These tools allow you to track your keywords over time, identify trends, make comparisons, and gain insight into how your keyword strategy is performing.

8.2 Interpreting keyword metrics

When tracking keywords, it is essential to interpret the relevant metrics to understand performance and make adjustments to your strategy. Here are some key metrics to keep in mind:

  • Search Position – Shows the average position of your keywords in search results. You can monitor whether your ranking is improving, deteriorating, or holding steady over time.
  • Search Volume – Indicates the estimated number of monthly searches for a specific keyword. It helps you understand the traffic potential you can get with those keywords.
  • Competition – reflects how difficult it is to rank for a specific keyword. You can assess the competition and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate) : Shows the ratio of people who click on your result in relation to the number of times it is shown in search results. A high CTR indicates that your title and description are attractive and persuade users to click.
  • Conversions – If you have conversion goals set up on your website, you can track conversions and link them to specific keywords. This helps you understand which keywords drive business results and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Analyzing these metrics gives you valuable information to understand how your keywords are performing, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize your SEO strategy.

Remember that keyword tracking and analysis should be an ongoing process . As rankings, competition, and user search behavior evolve, it's important to adjust and optimize your keyword strategy accordingly.

9. Future trends in keyword research

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, keyword research is also undergoing changes and adaptations. As technologies advance and user search behaviors evolve, it's important to stay on top of emerging trends in keyword research. Two important trends in this field are explored below:

9.1 Use of artificial intelligence in the selection of keywords

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way many tasks are performed online, and keyword research is no exception. With the increase in the amount of data available and the complexity of search engine algorithms, AI is increasingly being used to aid in keyword selection.

AI-powered keyword research tools can analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns and trends that may go unnoticed by traditional methods. These tools can analyze users' search behavior, search intent, and other factors to suggest relevant keywords and more effective content strategies.

AI can also help improve keyword selection accuracy by taking context and language semantics into account. This is especially important as search engines evolve towards a more sophisticated understanding of the meaning behind search queries.

9.2 Changes in user search behavior

As technology and user preferences evolve, search behaviors are also changing. These changes can influence the way keyword research is conducted and search engine optimization strategies.

For example, the increased use of voice assistants and mobile devices is changing the way users perform search queries. Voice searches tend to be more conversational and are based on whole questions rather than isolated keywords. This implies that keyword research needs to be tailored to include longer queries and to focus on answering specific questions.

Additionally, local and location-based searches are becoming increasingly relevant. Users now expect personalized search results based on their geographic location. Therefore, it is essential to consider keyword optimization for local searches and take advantage of tools like Google My Business to improve visibility in local search results.

In summary, future trends in keyword research involve the increasing use of artificial intelligence for more accurate and sophisticated selection of keywords, as well as adapting to changes in user search behaviors, such as searches by voice and local searches. Staying on top of these trends and adjusting keyword strategies accordingly can help you stay relevant and competitive in the ever-changing digital environment.

10. Conclusion

10.1 Summary of the importance of keywords

Keywords are critical to the success of any digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Throughout this document, we've discussed various facets of keywords, from their definition and importance in search engines to how to research, optimize, and track them. Below, we summarize the highlights of the importance of keywords:

  • Indexing and information retrieval : Search engines use keywords to index and retrieve information. By including relevant keywords in your content, you can help search engines understand what your page is about and who should display it.
  • Improved online visibility – Keywords are the basis for improving the visibility of your website in search engines. By selecting and using the right keywords, you can increase the likelihood that your website will appear in search results when users search for related terms.
  • Drive quality traffic – Keywords not only help increase the amount of traffic to your website, but they also improve the quality of that traffic. By selecting keywords that are relevant to your product or service, you can attract visitors who are interested in what you have to offer and are more likely to become customers.
  • Long tail keywords – We have discussed the importance of long tail keywords in SEO strategy. These keywords, which are more specific and often have less competition, can help drive high-quality traffic and improve conversion rates.
  • Prevention of unethical practices – We have highlighted the importance of avoiding unethical keyword practices such as keyword stuffing and Black Hat SEO. These tactics can have negative consequences, such as search engine penalties.
  • Tracking and Analysis – Finally, we've talked about the importance of tracking and analyzing the performance of your keywords. By doing so, you can identify which keywords are performing well and which ones need to be tweaked.

10.2 Final recommendations for the effective use of keywords

After understanding the importance of keywords in SEO and content optimization, it is essential to follow some practical recommendations to effectively use keywords in your digital marketing strategy. Here are some final suggestions:

  • Research your keywords – Before you start optimizing your website, it is essential to carry out thorough keyword research. Make sure you understand what are the most relevant keywords for your niche and how your potential customers are searching for your products or services.
  • Optimize for relevant keywords – Not all keywords are created equal. Be sure to focus on the keywords that are most relevant to your business and have the ability to attract the right customers.
  • Use keywords naturally – While it is important to include keywords in your content, it is equally crucial that they are used naturally and that they add value to your readers. The "keyword stuffing", or overuse of keywords, can be penalized by search engines and provides a bad experience for users.
  • Consider long tail keywords – Long tail keywords can be less competitive and appeal to a more targeted audience that is closer to conversion. Consider including these keywords in your SEO strategy.
  • Monitor and adjust your keyword strategy – SEO is a constantly evolving process. It is important to closely monitor the performance of your keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly. Use keyword tracking tools to measure your results.
  • Stay up to date with changes in search algorithms – Search engines are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms. Stay on top of these changes to ensure your keyword strategy remains effective.
  • Avoid Black Hat SEO Tactics – While it can be tempting to try to manipulate search engines for better rankings, Black Hat SEO tactics often result in penalties. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that is useful to your visitors.

In conclusion, keywords are an essential component of SEO and digital marketing. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that you're using keywords in the most effective way possible to increase your website's visibility, attract more quality visitors, and improve your conversion rates.